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POV-Ray People Pages

Andrew Glassner's Home Page
Not really a POV-Ray person but is a well known pioneer in the CG industry.
Anto Matkovic's Page
Anto offers a gallery of his art plus some excellent tutorials on using sPatch.
Badtech, The Daily Online Cartoon
POV-Ray used to produce a daily online comic strip. Badtech will gradually follow a small team of game developers through the production of their first title, think Dilbert for the games generation. Badtech is produced using POV-Ray.
Berlin's Network
Links, tutorials, an image gallery, and whatever else he can come up with.
Bob's omniVERSE Page
Bob has long been a visitor to the POV-Ray newsgroups and you will often find him there helping others. You will find many interesting things at his site and is well worth the visit.
The Book of Beginnings - Gilles Tran
Gilles is a true artist. If you want to see mind blowing raytraced images this is the site to visit. Besides being an accomplished artist he even managed to find time to make some of his personal utilities available to the public Time will be well spent visiting this site.
Le Livre des Commencements - Gilles Tran
Chris Cason
Chris Cason is the POV-Ray team coordinator and is also responsible for the windows version of POV-Ray. While not as publicly visible as some of the other team members Chris is a driving force behind POV-Ray. Chris maintains the POV-Ray home page, organizes the contents of the IRTC CD's, maintains the POV-Ray news server, and takes on the responsibility of funding all of the online resources for the POV-Team. is his home page.
Chris Young's Home Page
Chris Young is the former POV-Team Coordinator (now semi-retired) and offers a candid look at his life plus a little history about the development of POV-Ray.
Das POV-Ray Universum
Gerenderte Bilder von Galaxien, Planeten, Kometen. Download von PovRay - A Persistance Of Vision Raytracer, Bilder und Galaxie Includes. Coole DHTML Seite! (Site contain one of the most intersting uses of POV-Ray in web design we have seen yet. You might visit this one just for the experience. Also contains a neat Galaxy include file.)
Dennis Miller's Page
First Strike at Pearl
Glenn McCarter and the elusive N.B. offer this site showcasing how they modelled this incredible award winning IRTC entry. Source code available for study.
Nathan O'Brien a master of POV-Ray and frequent winner of the IRTC competition
H.E. Day's Homepage
This site offers the work of H.E. Day one of the most accomplished POV-Ray hand coded blob modellers of all time. Never have you seen such a variety of space releated objects created with POV-Ray blobs as you will find here. H.E. Day is also a long time visitor to the POV-Ray news groups and promises to have some blob modelling tutorials comming soon.
Hideki Komuro's Homepage
Hideki has written the first book in Japanese on POV-Ray and is a hub of activity in the Japanese POV-Ray community. This site offers several links to resources, and has some good include files available.
IB Rassmusan home page
Ib Rasmussen is an old hand with POV-Ray and his work is excellent. At this page you will find his image gallery plus he offers a section with POV-Ray related tips and techniques.
KressWorks Home Page
LiquidMetal Website
Homepage of a young designer group with pics, free textures and VRML
Margus Ramst
The Home page of Margus Ramst a member of the POV-Ray Technical Assistance group. You will find a few useful resources here.
Mark's Wagner's Home Page
Mark's page offers some POV-Ray related materials and has an interesting section on math.
Mathematical Art
Polynomial, fractales, bioitération, landscape and more. Site contains a gallery of image produced using the above techniques plus offers include files for the creation of some of the images presented.
Mick Hazelgrove's Art Gallery
Mick shows what a teacher of art can do with POV-Ray. An outstanding presentaiton of POV-Ray's capabilities and Mr. Hazelgrove's talents.
POV-ers Photo Album
At this site you will find real photos of POV-Ray users that visit the POV-Ray news groups. Some photos also include a short biography of the person shown. You will even find photos of a couple of the POV-Team members themselves so if you are interested in the faces behind the program be sure to check this site out.
An up to date source of information and resources related to POV-Ray. Includes public announcments, news articles, resources, and links to cool stuff
POV-TAG - The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
Established by the POV-Team (the current authors of the Persistence of Vision Raytracer) in late 1999, the TAG is made up of selected members of the POV-Ray user community. The purpose of the TAG is to aid the POV-Team in supporting users of POV-Ray around the world, using the collective knowledge of the group to answer users' POV-Ray questions and to bring POV-Ray related matters to the attention of the POV-Team as required.
Pod - Home Page
Here you will find a gallery of Pod's work plus he has a download page with several progams he has written. A couple of these are useful for converting between different color formats.
The RSJ WebSite
Site contains 3D images, include files, stereograms, tutorials, The POV Desktop Theme, The POV-Ray Logo Contest, music, 350+ raytracing jokes, and much more! Maintained by Rune Johansen a regular contributor in the POV-Ray news groups.
Robert A. Mickelsen's Secret Spot
Robert like Truman Brown and Dan Farmer is a long respected member of the POV-Ray community. If you want to see some incredible art created with POV-Ray this is the place to go.
Ron Parker
Ron Parker is the author of the SuperPatch version of POV-Ray and is now a member of the POV-Ray team. Ron is undoubtably the most visible member of the team and is very active in the POV-Ray newsgroups. Ron offers a few useful include files here at his site.
Remco de Korte
Games - Art - Design - Remco de Korte. Offers some interesting programs including a nice program for fonts with support for POV-Ray.
Steve's 0 PPS Home Page
Mostly a gallery of his work but has POV-Ray source files for the images available.
Steve Anger's Homepage
Steve is a former member or the POV-Team and is considered by many a legend in the POV-Ray community. This site offers some of his incredible art work, links to other artists, and a good list of links to POV-Ray utilities.
Thorsten R. Fröhlich Website
Thorsten Fröhlich is a POV-Team member and is now responsible for the Macintosh port of the program. Thorsten is active on the POV-Ray news groups and manages the Official Mac-OS info page at
Toni Bratincevic's POV Site
Graphics for site was entirely created in POVRay. There is also two galleries with pictures made in this great software. Site also contains the source for some of the images and a new section offering POV-Ray macros.
Truman Brown's Texture Woild
Truman Brown is known as one of the original masters of POV-Ray and his work continues to inspire artists both new and old.
Uncle Tyler's Get Away
Maintained by: Ken Tyler who proudly proclaims that he has the largest list of POV-Ray related links ever made available on the net. Ken freely donates his time helping other POV-Ray users on the POV-Ray newsgroups and on c.g.r.r. plus he maintains the links page at and is now a member of the POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group.
United Artists Galleries
This page is a collection of images created by various users of POV-Ray. The images are all of excellent quality and really show off some of it's capabilities. The source code for the images is available for study and you are encouraged to donate your art work to the collection.
Very Cool Place
A gallery of images of both scenes and objects. Source code available for download.
Warp's Homepage
Warp is known in the POV-Ray community for his motion blur and compressed mesh utilities and also the proud maintainer of the POV-Ray VFAQ. Warp is very active in the POV-Ray news groups and is now a member of the POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group.
The World of POV-Ray Users
This page offers a map of the locations of POV-Ray users from around the world.
The World of POV-Ray Users Submission Page
Add yourself to the world map of POV-Ray users with this submission form.
Your Ten Best Images: A Collection of POV-Ray art.
How would you like to see your POV-Ray images on a CD ? Well now is your opportunity. This ambititious project is dedicated to collecting some of YOUR best images and publishing them on a CD to help support the POV-Team's development activities. Now's your chance so don't delay !!!
Zone - Lance Birch
Lance is know around the POV-Ray news groups for his wit and wisdom and is included here due primarily to his notoriety

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