The OpenDWG Alliance is an association of
CAD customers and vendors committed to
promoting Autodesk AutoCAD's DWG
drawing file format as an open, industry -
standard format for the exchange of CAD
Site contains several resources for Bryce
and 3D graphics in general. Includes
links to free model sites, Poser resources,
texture and plugins links, plus others.
Larry is the author of BMRT (Blue Moon
Rendering Tools) and also an employee
of Pixar who offers the commercial quality
Renderman suite of software and brought
you Toy Story to the big screen.
Site contains and excellent section on
sites that offer 3D utilities for the Linux
platform. Many POV-Ray related resources
are listed. Site is in French only.
a resource to the homepageges or
download sites of the (under $100 US or
FREE) popular modelers, plug-ins, tutorials,
and related information that will enrich your
POV experience.
This is the official links page hosted by the makers of POV-Ray. This
is a very comprehensive list of links related to POV-Ray and 3D graphics in general.
You are encouraged to contribute links to this site so that it's usefulness to others may grow. Contact to
contribute links.