Pursuit-evasion games model a predator
chasing prey, a missile chasing an aircraft, or the like. Unlike most other games
discussed here, the players may have to
make continuous decisions, for example
deciding on a real-valued turn angle at
every moment in time. So these games call
for different techniques than more familiar
The Virtual Characters Archives Network!
A great source of Human/Creature 3D
models in various 3D file formats. Site also contains
tutorials, textures, and other 3D related
resources for the computer graphics artist.
This page contains links to pages with geometry related resources. The links are very well commented and there is considerable informaiton available here
These tutorials are characterized by an
interest in doing arithmetic on machines with
just binary add, subtract, logical and shift
operators, making no use of special
hardware support for such complex
operations as BCD arithmetic or
multiplication and division. While some of
these techniques are old, they remain
relevant today.
A visual dictionary of special plane curves.
The goal of the project is to produce
materials that demonstrate interesting
properties of plane curves visually. Many
concepts or properties of plane curves such
as cusp, tangent, evolute, involute,
envelope, are more readily explained by an
illustration or animation. The mathematics in
these pages are beginning college level. Overall, this project is designed to educate and entertain.
A povray 3.0 on-line interface to a farm of
machines waiting to grab your pov 3.0 job
and render it and e-mail the picture back to
you! Any and all suggestions are welcome.
Currently is pretty basic, but gives priority to
smaller jobs.
The Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 (BCC) is the
core of Inprise's C++ compiler technology.
Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is a blazingly fast
32-bit optimizing compiler. It includes the
latest ANSI/ISO C++ compliance including
the RTL, the STL framework and C++
template support. And now, Borland C++
Compiler 5.5 is openly available for free
download! Those wishing to compile the
Windows version of POV-Ray for
themselves *might* find this the perfect free
The GLE Tubing and Extrusion Library is a
graphics application programming interface
(API). The library consists of a number of
"C" language subroutines for drawing tubing
and extrusions.
The initial code base originated in 1991 as
an attempt to answer questions that arise in
my favorite news group, comp.graphics.algorithms, and has been
growing ever since. MAGIC is intended to
provide free source code for solving
problems that commonly arise in computer
graphics, image analysis, and numerical
An important component that has been
missing from image synthesis is the effect of
weathering. In this paper, we present an
approach for the modeling and rendering of
one type of weathering---metallic patinas.
The Open CASCADE Object Libraries are
reusable C++ object libraries for producing
all types of domain-specific graphic modeling
applications. The Open CASCADE
Application Framework is included with
Open CASCADE 3.0. It is a Rapid
Application Development framework that
increases your productivity by organizing
and specifying your application data and
architecture, structuring applications that
are associative by definition, managing
modification history and automatically
assigning storable attributes to objects.
Antialiasing of ray traced images is typically
performed by super-sampling the image
plane. While this type of filtering works well
for many algorithms, it is much more efficient
to perform filtering locally on a surface for
algorithms such as texture mapping.....
The VRMLworks is here to start you from
wherever you are and take you a little
farther in Virtual Reality Modeling Language
(VRML). Site contains technical info,
resources, models, links, and history of
the VRML language.
This article explores the issues related to
rendering realistic surfaces using standard
texture-mapping hardware. Such hardware
enables the rapid rendering of color-mapped
surfaces with interpolated surface shading.
By computing textures on the fly using new
algorithms, this article extends the domain to
bump mapping, Phong shading and
reflection mapping in combination. The
efficiency of the algorithms arises from a
combination of caching data in parametric
arrays and using tables for fast evaluation of
shading functions. These tables are
computed efficiently by making use of
angular coherence.
This site is a comprehensive source of
information of computer graphics,
languages, programming in computer
graphics, and a source of papers from
siggraph. Very nice collection and ha a
unique method of presentation.
In displacement mapping, the surface is
actually modified, in contrast to bump
mapping where only the surface normal is
modified. This means that displacement
mapped surfaces will show the effect even
at the silhouette.
The purpose of this page is to briefly
illustrate without formulas the actual frontiers
in surface representation research for
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided
Geometric Design. A survey of the most
commonly used surface primitives with their
limitations follows, as well as a review of the
new directions of research. Many of those
new ideas are quite ready to be already
introduced in a modeling package.
We present a technique for rendering
displacement mapped geometry in a
ray-tracing renderer. Displacement mapping
is an important technique for adding detail to
surface geometry in rendering systems. It
allows complex geometric variation to be
added to simpler geometry, without the cost
in geometric complexity of completely
describing the nuances of the geometry at
modeling time and with the advantage that
the detail can be added adaptively at
rendering time.
Implicit and Parametric formulas for 3D
shapes + images. Gallery of beautiful and
unusual mathematical surfaces, with the
POV scene sources that made them.
Looking for Klein bottles, knots, or moebius
strips, check here first!
This paper is intended to inform the reader
of how the basic ray tracing algorithm works.
It will take a very simplistic approach to the
explanation, avoiding the mathematical
perspective traditionally used by many
books and papers on the subject. It is
intended primarily to inform the curious,
rather than to teach the ambitious.