POV Objects Collection
Top: Geometrical Objects

Torus-like Objects (5)

Archmedes' skrew (46.2kB) POV 3.0
An stainless steel Archimedes' skrew, modelled using a mesh of smooth_triangles.
by Reinhard Rettelbach - POV 3.0 - Jul 25 1998
Wireframe Boxmacro (1964 Bytes) POV 3.5
This macro creates you a box and a rectangle as a wireframe and a single line and circles
by Alexander "Nightflyer" Weixelbaumer - POV 3.5 - Feb 28 2003
Cube Fractal (3940 Bytes) POV 3.1
Aggegate cubes in different textures. Can be annimated.
by Christophe Compere - POV 3.1 - Jun 15 2002
Diamonds (1.6kB) POV 3.1
Little include file which generates a user definable Diamond shaped object.
by Ken Tyler - POV 3.1 - Jul 30 1998
Elliptoromoeb (2239 Bytes) POV 3.1
Not a poly, not an isosurface, not a parametric, even not a triangle mesh, rather just a quick & (but!) dirty solution.
by Reinhard Rettelbach - POV 3.1 - Sep 11 1999
Parameterized Surfaces (7kB) POV 3.1
An include file for generating parameterized "uv" surfaces with POV-Ray 3.1 using smooth triangles which can even be textured individually.
by David Sharp - POV 3.1 - Nov 28 1999
Pyramid fractal (2.6kB) POV 3.1
Sierpinski Triangle in 3D.
by Anders Haglund - POV 3.1 - Sep 7 1999
SAT.1 ball (10kB) POV 3.0

by Christian Perle - POV 3.0 - Feb 1 1999
Sphere and cone. (1.4kB) POV 3.1
Both objects are made up with small spheres crowded together, so they look like they are made of little flat surfaces.
by Amir Livne - POV 3.1 - Aug 18 2000
Spirals (1.5kB) POV 3.0
A source code to create various spirals by changing parameters.
by Micha Riser - POV 3.0 - Jun 24 1998
http://objects.povworld.org/cat/Geometrical_Objects/Sat Jul 27 07:22:33 2024
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